Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Is Wheat Damaging Your Health?

 The research on wheat has been out for a long time now and more is being revealed every day from our top medical research specialists that have an authentic interest our/your health and the foods that we eat. Please click on the link below and read on. We think you will be very glad you did.


For me personally (Don Talking Here) Wheat was a long time contributor to unclear thinking and health problems all my life.....I just did not know it. I had my suspicions but ate it anyhow, bread is god right?
As I have said in lectures and to groups & individuals that I have coached to improved health through proper nutrition; I started my investigation many years ago after reading Eat Right For your Type. The Dr. Peter D'Adamo book on blood type and diet.  At that time (1996) after 9-months I had some successes in improved health, less pain issues, better digestion and some weight loss, but decided to go on for the next 10-years eating "sprouted wheat" products. This was ultimately a poor decision.

Today I am 3+Years off of Wheat, and free of the pharmaceuticals I was taking for "heart conditions" & high blood pressure, weigh 30lbs.<less than when I was at my peak performance levels as a 26-year-old and riding my bicycle 200-miles per week, and in may ways, I am today more healthy than even before. All of this due to quitting eating Wheat!

It is a long story best told in person, but the main point is that:
Wheat was causing more problems than just inflammatory issues and poor digestion, it was affecting my heart negatively. The research on Wheat Allergy and Cardiac Inflammatory Response is difficult to find. But now it is all coming to light. Dr Mercola posted a very extensive compilation of websites, articles and research papers addressing the negative health effects of Wheat in the diet. I urge you ALL to click on the above link and read on.......and on.
Visit all of the links that are present there if you are interested in improving your health and want to spread the word about wheat. The fact that wheat is a cardio toxin and a neurotoxin are truly revealing and are worth paying close attention to; along with the myriad of other degenerative conditions that our modern wheat is causing many, if not all of us.

Why is Wheat Disorder on the Rise?

Low Grain and Carbohydrate Diets Treat Hypoglycemia, Heart disease, Diabetes.......

An Index of studies that show that wheat can have a detrimental effect on your health.


 I believe deeply that you will be glad that you took the time do investigate for yourself.

Especially if you are experiencing:

Joint pain, Arthritis, Poor digestion, weak muscles, immunity problems, heart problems, high blood pressure, dry skin, neurological issues, psychosis and psychiatric issues, unclear thinking...........and the list goes on>and ON!

Blessings of Goodness and Health to you ALL :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I couldn't have said it better. Wheat turned out to be the cause of all my chronic ailments: joint pain, psoriasis, and asthma. Once I quit wheat, I noticed the difference in one week. It's so good to feel totally healthy again.
