Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kraut Class Thur 6/30

Specialty Class: How To Make Sauerkraut and Cleansing The Colon
Thursday, June 30, 6-8PM

cost: $30 per person (PLEASE RSVP to: courtney@cookwell.org   OR   528-8837)
We’ll demonstrate making sauerkraut and we’ll discuss: the many benefits of making your own raw sauerkraut on digestion, assimilation, immunity, skin, blood pressure, metabolism, and genetic expression. We'll share our personal stories around colon cleansing, our step by step guidelines for an effective colon cleanse, and how we can support you in your cleansing process.  
We’ll serve: black eyed pea stew with seasonal veggies/greens & sauerkraut!

June Newsletter Topics
    Probiotic-Rich, Cultured Veggies

        Culturing (aka: fermenting) vegetables has long been a tradition originally meant to extend the shelf-life of fresh produce throughout the winter months. In the modern world, we don’t experience this particular dilemma much, but we are burdened by stress, a toxic environment, vitamin/mineral deficient food, and many other health degrading factors.  Making your own cultured veggies like sauerkraut, kimchee, or beet kvaas, is a great, inexpensive way to get a healthy internal population established of the wonderful little vitality-givers we call probiotics.
        Probiotics are friendly bacteria that help our bodies to thrive on multiple levels. Aside from helping our bodies to better digest and assimilate nutrients through our food, they act as the foundation of our immune systems, they help lower blood pressure, they keep bad bacteria and yeasts in our bodies in check, they contribute significantly to healthy skin, they work to help normalize our weight, and they produce both vitamin B12 and K2 in our intestines. Wow, right?
        There are even more amazing new findings on how probiotics influence our continued genetic expression, which Dr. Joseph Mercola has highlighted in a recent article. He says, “One of the most cutting-edge fields of medicine is epigenetics, which has shown that your lifestyle plays a significant role in how your genes are expressed. Probiotics influence the activity of hundreds of your genes, helping them to express in a positive, disease-fighting manner. The widely accepted dogma that your genes control your health destiny is now being completely uprooted, as your genetic code is not set in stone. Rather it is constantly changing based on factors like your diet and stress levels. To put it simply, the more dietary and lifestyle habits you engage in that positively influence your genetic expression, the more protection you’ll naturally receive against a host of chronic illnesses. For instance, eating broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, garlic and onions helps to activate tumor suppressor genes that fight cancer. Likewise, researchers revealed that eating probiotic-rich foods influenced the activity of hundreds of human genes in a positive manner.”
        We can start to take advantage of epigenetics by incorporating probiotic-rich foods into our diets such as raw sauerkraut, kimchee, beet kvaas, miso, kefir, yogurt, kombucha, etc. Cultured foods should always be raw or unpasteurized, refrigerated, and never cooked or heated to boiling, so the good bacteria are kept alive. I prefer making my own cultured veggies than buying a probiotic supplement. This is because a good probiotic supplement (in which most of the probiotics actually survive the stomach acid into the intestines where they’re needed) is usually pretty expensive. If you’d rather spend the money than make your own cultured foods, I recommend these brands: Primal Defense, Pure Encapsulations Probiotic 5, and BioK. And, just as a side note, kombucha tends to exacerbate candida conditions, so I don’t recommend using it as probiotic supplementation for those with yeast issues.
        Making your own sauerkraut can be tricky, but it’s very satisfying. The first time I made a good batch, I felt triumphant. The weeks of waiting had finally proven worthwhile. And, I realized I was connecting to my ancestors by going through the motions they had so many times. Also, the sour the sour flavor satisfies the third taste according to both Ayurveda and Macrobiotics. If a meal contains all 5 tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and pungent), we’ll feel more satisfied and have less of a tendency to overeat.

    Your Colon Health
        For those coming off the standard American diet, colon cleansing is one of the most important first steps on the road to vitality. The colon works with the liver and lymphatic system to keep our entire bodies free from toxic accumulations. It’s the first organ you’ll want to cleanse, so that there is a clear pathway out of the body when you decide to do a liver or gallbladder cleanse, etc. You see, every time we’ve eaten mucos-forming food (pasteurized dairy products - especially melted cheese, refined flour products, meat, and any food heavy in fats /oils), another layer of sticky matter adheres to the walls of the colon. Over time, the layers build up and the passageway through the colon gets smaller and smaller, and the layers get harder and dryer, as the colon is constantly working to dry out the feces to make them solid. This blocks the cleansing action of the colon, liver and lymph, and we can experience lethargy, headaches, distended abdomens, irregular bowel movements, acne, and a whole host of other symptoms. The layers can get so thick, there has been a 40lb colon removed from a man!
        Intense colon cleansing is usually most needed when initially getting off years of the standard American diet. A whole foods diet is gently cleansing over time, so, those who have been off of refined/processed/fast foods at least 90% of the time for several years won’t need intense colon cleansing. A whole foods diet, by the way, looks like this: seasonal & regional vegetables (some raw, some cooked) as the base of the diet, either soaked or cultured low-glycemic whole grains, grass fed / organic animal proteins when needed for warmth & building strength (during pregnancy, for people who work hard physically, or according to ancestry - type O blood), getting 60 - 100 oz per day of re-mineralized water, and using only unrefined (extra virgin) oils, whole sea salts & small amounts of unrefined sweeteners like grade B maple syrup, molasses, & raw honey.
        Colon cleansing can take from 1 week to 4 weeks depending on the severity of the blockage. It’s not a fasting cleanse, but you don’t want to eat any mucos-forming food while cleansing your colon, because the herbs you’ll be taking need to be able to reach the walls of your colon (instead of getting caught up in mucos-forming foods) to break up and help you pass the old, dry matter out. “But where do I get my protein during the cleanse?” you may ask. From 1-2 Tbsp spirulina powder per day. You see, spirulina (a type of blue-green algae) has everything your body needs. That’s why they call it a superfood - you can live on it exclusively. It will give you enough protein and other good fats & nutrients you need daily while on your cleanse, and the chlorophyl in it is very cleansing. Midway through your colon cleanse, when you start getting the old, dry matter out and you’re  feeling lighter, more energized, and your belly is flatter than ever, you’ll get excited and want to keep doing it for whatever length of time feels right to you. Your body will tell you when it’s time to quit the cleanse.
        Don & I have done lots of various cleanses, and we believe in the revitalizing and re-balancing powers of cleansing wholeheartedly. We’ve come up with step by step recommendations & guidelines for this first and most important cleanse, the colon cleanse. If your intuition is saying you need to do it, we hope you’ll join us Thursday evening, June 30th, to hear our personal stories and experiences with colon cleansing, to see our demonstration on making probiotic-rich sauerkraut, and to receive our support and guidance on your path toward reaching your highest health potential.

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