Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ayurvedic Body Types Basics

 Ayurvedic Body Types Basics
        To eat in balance with our body type and the seasons is a wonderful way to align ourselves with nature and with our own changing needs throughout the year. In general, in winter eat more foods which balance Vata, in summer eat more foods which balance Pitta, and in spring eat more foods which balance Kapha. Excellent books for in-depth information are The Ayurvedic Cookbook and Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners by Amadea Morningstar.For more general principles regarding Ayurvedic diet and private consultations with my dear friend and Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Holly Padove visit: www.balancedlivingayurveda.com or email: hpadove@hotmail.com

Vata: usually thin with slight frame, long features, mentally quick, bright, creative, flexible, inspiring. When out of balance tends to be cold with cold hands and feet, dry skin, constipated, gassy.  Challenged by worry, fear & anxiety, and overwhelmed by stress.
To bring back to balance needs warming, moistening foods (, squash, rice pudding, plenty of ghee/sesame oil, and may need more building, grounding foods such as eggs and meat), and the flavors sweet (whole grains, root vegetables, maple syrup, raw honey, etc), sour (yogurt, kefir, citrus), salty (whole sea salt), and mildly pungent (warming spices such as medium curries, ginger, fennel, garlic).
Vata balancing spice combo (for pots of lentils, stir-frys, etc. ~  simmer ground spices 5-7 minutes):4 parts fennel, 3 cumin, 2 cardamom, 1 coriander, 1 ginger.

Pitta: medium build with ample musculature, deep set eyes, rosy complexion, moles and freckles, good memory, intelligence, and an analytical mind. When out of balance tends to be too warm and dislikes humidity, has loose stools, heartburn, sweats profusely, has itchiness, rashes and acne. Challenged by anger, jealousy, resentment, and control issues.
To bring back to balance needs cooling, soothing, drying foods  (salads and dark leafy greens), cooling herbs (cucumber, cilantro, dill), and the flavors sweet (whole grains, root vegetables, maple syrup, raw honey, etc.), bitter (kale, collards, dandelion greens), and astringent (pomegranates, persimmons, blackberries). Pitta balancing spice combo (for pots of lentils, stir-frys, etc. ~  simmer ground spices 5-7 minutes): 4 parts fennel, 2 cumin, 1 cardamom, 2 coriander, 1 ginger.

Kapha: large frame with round face and features, lush hair, lustrous skin and eyes, pale complexion, mentally methodical and a deep sleeper. When out of balance tends to be cool, moist and clammy, has sluggish elimination, phlegm, and fatigue after meals. Challenged by sadness, lethargy and attachment.
To bring back to balance needs warming, drying and lighter foods  (salads, whole grain millet, teff and quinoa, light on the fats/oils, etc.), and the flavors bitter (kale, collards, dandelion greens), astringent (pomegranates, persimmons, blackberries), and pungent(hot spices such as hot curries, cayenne, etc.). Kapha balancing spice combo (for pots of lentils, stir-frys, etc. ~  simmer ground spices 5-7 minutes): 2 parts fennel, 2 cumin, 1 cardamom, 1 coriander, 3 ginger, (½ cinnamon, black pepper or cayenne optional).

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